I Love Avocados Receive the Heart Love They Deserve
From now on, avocados from the I Love Avocados brand will feature the Heart-Check designation and can be marked as a heart healthy food. It is an instance when a matter of the heart and matter of heart health perfectly align.
““We are honored to receive the American Heart Association certification,” said Mario Pacheco, CEO of West Pak Avocado, the parent company for I Love Avocados, in a press release. He continued, “Now with the Heart-Check mark association throughout our brand, people can be doubly confident with their choice of heart-healthy avocados.””
After all, when it comes to matters of the heart, people usually trust their instincts and intuition. The exception, of course, is a matter involving heart health. Foods receiving a heart healthy distinction from the American Heart Association (AHA) must meet specific scientific requirements in terms of nutritional value and dietary recommendations. There are vigorous tests for foods to receive the Heart-Check certification for the AHA, and I Love Avocados have qualified.
Read more via And Now U Know, here